Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why Vitamin Supplements?

In the last post Diet Right, where we looked at some of the reasons for getting a good diet, in this instalment at Natural Vitamin Supplements, well look at why you need to even take natural vitamin supplements in the first place.

Well, a lot of the reason you need to add the natural vitamin supplements to your diet is that the majority of the food you eat is deficient in many of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs on a day to day basis. Why is that, you may wonder?

Well, modern farming methods means that the soil is used year in and year out to intensively farm the crops it produces without any regard to the needs of the soil. Let me explain that.

In the olden days of farming, before the advent of modern herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers etc farmers had to look after their soil to ensure the best crops could grow. That meant following the natural rhythms of nature, which in turn meant that crops needed to be rotated around fields in a four field rotation. That was to stop soil borne pests and diseases from building up when you continually plant the same crop in the ground year after year.

So in field number one, you'd grow all your root vegetables, like potatoes, carrots, parsnips etc. Field number two would grow brassicas like cabbage, broccoli, turnip, kale etc. Field three would have legumes, such as peas, beans, tomatoes, peppers etc. Field four would lie fallow. That was so that it could have a year to breath. Often green fertilizer crops like rape or red clover woulkd be planted and then turned into the soil while the plantys were young so that they wouldn't take much from the soil but put back more in the way of their own plant material. This field would also be manured or enriched with compost - all natural stuff.

The next year all the fields would rotate, so now field one would lie fallow, two would get the roots, three would get the brassicas and four the legumes.

That way the soil always had a full complement of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. The plants that grew on the soil in the arable fields had their right quota of vitamins and minerals and then we would eat them getting the right amount for our bodies.

Modern farming methods mean there is no room for a fallow field. Artificial fertilizers and weedkillers mean that the soil is never naturally enriched with organic material, so it just gets depleted more and more each year. Its now gotten to a stage where the soil that our vegetables are grown on is so low on naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, that we cannot get our daily needs from the vegetables we eat. So we need to supplement that quota by taking natural vitamin supplememnts.

So now you know the reason why you have to take your daily natural vitamin suppliments to keep you healthy!

Natural Vitamin Supplements